
International St乌兰nt Services

橙色箭头 Academic and English Support
橙色箭头 医疗保健和保险 Information
橙色箭头 驾照
橙色箭头 社会保障卡
橙色箭头 为你的到来做好准备
橙色箭头 Career Services, Jobs, OPT and Internships
橙色箭头 Transfer after 雪的大学


Academic and English Support

English as a Second Language (ESL) Classes

学术英语技能是大学成功的重要组成部分,如果你的母语是英语 语言不是英语,你需要证明你的语言能力.

当您申请雪学院直接进入主流大学课程时,我们 require one of the following scores from an English language 的地方ment test:

  • 雅思- 6.0
  • TOEFL – 63 (minimum 15 per section)
  • Duolingo – 100 (minimum 85 per section)

如果你的学术英语技能需要提高,PG电子官方免费下载有一个很好的选择 English as a Second Language Program (ESL) 帮助你成功.

PG电子官方免费下载创建于1976年,拥有全美最好的英语语言课程之一 美国西部. With its small classes (12 st乌兰nts on average), convenient 校园,优秀的教师,雪学院提供了一些真正的优势比大 学校.

How does the ESL program work?

  • St乌兰nts attend classes 5 days a week for 4-5 h我们的s a day.
  • 当你到达学校时,你将参加英语测试来帮助确定你的水平.
  • PG电子官方免费下载的ESL课程分为4个级别,每个级别都能帮助你提高 y我们的 skills in grammar, listening, reading, writing, and speaking.
  • 大多数学生需要8周的时间来通过4个级别,所以你可以完成所有4个级别 只需两个学期就能达到水平.
  • Classes taken in levels 3 and 4 count as 11.5 credits toward graduation.
  • 完成课程后,您将无缝过渡到主流大学课程 the ESL program with a passing grade of 85%.

Is there more help available?

有! 我们还定期开设会话课,帮助你练习 English with native speakers in a more relaxed, natural setting. 没有固定的课程 or homework – just turn up and talk! It’s a great way to meet new people, work on y我们的 speaking skills or accent, and improve y我们的 listening skills.

如果你有兴趣获得额外的学术或语言支持,请与我们联系 with us and we’ll be happy to explain some more options.

In-person and online tutoring

At 雪的大学, we have many ways to support y我们的 academic j我们的ney. 例如, 我们的 学术咨询中心 拥有丰富的在线资源,并且很容易与他们预约吗 time. 此外,我们的数学实验室和写作实验室让您每天都能接触到教授 and st乌兰nt-tutors and we even offer free online tutoring through Tutor.com的 is available on-demand, 24 h我们的s a day. Learn more about 我们的 Tutoring Services.


“这里的人都很热情,教授们也愿意随时提供帮助。” 来自土库曼斯坦的Durli Ahojayeva说,她是斯诺大学的五年级学生,正在学习 软件工程.



LewerMark标志在美国,医疗服务的费用尤其昂贵 when treating major issues or emergencies. For this reason, all international st乌兰nts 参加雪学院的学生都需要购买健康保险 LewerMark, 我们的 current health insurance partner. 如果你是 an exchange st乌兰nt, government-sponsored st乌兰nt, or a US passport holder, we can waive this requirement.

雪的大学 LewerMark提供的保险范围比大多数保险都要好 U.S. citizens have with their own policies. 例如, the policy offers 500,000 USD coverage per illness or accident. It also has evacuation and repatriation benefits.

PG电子官方免费下载将帮助学生了解如何购买保险. 一旦你注册了课程,你将自动注册保险.

For more details on the policy we offer, see LewerMark.com

U.S. Healthcare and Emergency Procedures

您可能不熟悉美国的医疗保健或紧急程序. 下面是一些重要的指导方针,可以帮助你感觉更有准备和自信 在处理医疗紧急情况和为你的健康做出最好的决定.


如果你需要处方,可以寄到(并从)以法莲沃尔玛(Ephraim Walmart)领取 药店. 雪的大学 offers a free weekly Walmart Bus to all st乌兰nts.


让自己熟悉最近的医院或急救中心是个好主意 center in case of non-life-threatening medical issues. Additionally, make sure you have health insurance coverage to help with medical expenses. 

We do not have an on-campus clinic, but we do have options that are close by. 请 提前告诉我们诊所/医院的预约,这样我们就可以安排 时间带你去以下其中一个:Ephraim Clinic (No COPAY), Sanpete Valley 医院(ER)(共付100美元)、Manti家庭诊所(共付20美元)和Mount Pleasant诊所 ($ 20元钱).


在医疗紧急情况下 行动迅速至关重要. 不要犹豫,立即寻求帮助,以确保自己的安全和健康 还有你身边的人.

在美国,911是你拨打请求帮助的紧急电话号码 from the police, fire department, or ambulance. It's free and accessible from any 电话.

请 call 911 first, and then a member of the CGE, if 你或你身边的人经历了这些症状或任何其他严重的症状 健康问题:

  • 严重伤害:这可能是由于事故,跌倒,或任何情况下 significant harm to the body.
  • 心脏病发作或中风:这些都是需要立即治疗的严重疾病 treatment to prevent further damage.
  • 严重过敏反应:有些人可能对某些东西有严重的过敏反应 比如食物、昆虫叮咬或药物,如果不及时治疗,可能会危及生命 很快.
  • 严重呼吸困难:这可能是由于哮喘发作,窒息或其他 respiratory problems that make it hard to breathe. 

记住,当你拨打911时,尽可能保持冷静,并清楚地解释情况. 告诉调度员你的位置,描述发生了什么,听从调度员的指示 给你. Do not move the affected person unless it's absolutely necessary: Moving someone who is injured or in distress can make their condition worse. 等待紧急情况 medical personnel to arrive and let them handle the situation. 

Ambulance rides (for emergencies only!):

In most cases, ambulance costs are 100% covered by Lewermark insurance. 如果你是 不包括在Lewermark保险范围内,请查看您的具体保单 services are in- or out-of-network.



纪念碑谷道Obtaining a Utah Driver’s License is possible for international st乌兰nts. 如果你有 要在你的国家获得驾照,你需要参加笔试和实践考试 参加驾驶考试并缴付费用. If you don’t have a license in y我们的 country, you will 需要参加驾驶执照课程后才能参加笔试和驾驶 测试. To help people pass the Utah permit test, you can also 取一个 免费许可证实践测验 designed by the Utah Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV).

有关更多信息,请参见 http://dld.utah.gov/. You must have an appointment in order to apply for a license. 点击这里 to schedule y我们的 appointment. 你也可以填写你的 在此网上申请.

You will need to bring the following information to the DMV when you apply:

  • 有效的 外国司机的 license from another country (if you have one)
  • 完成犹他州驾驶教育课程的证书(如果你没有驾照) current 外国司机的 license)
  • 有效护照及签证
  • Form I-94 (I-94’s can be printed I-94网站上的信息)
  • 社会安全号码(SSN)或表格SSA-L676:“拒绝处理SSN申请”. This will require you to apply for a 社会安全号码.
  • Proof of Utah Residency (two of the following)
    • 银行对账单
    • 法庭文件
    • 租赁合同
    • 主要信用卡账单
    • 学校成绩单
    • Utility Bill (cell 电话 bills are not accepted)



社会保障卡社会安全号码通常分配给有权工作的人 在美国. Social Security numbers are used to report y我们的 earnings and 支付给政府的工资. More details can be found here: http://www.ssa.gov/酒吧/ en - 05 - 10181.pdf.



如果你有工作机会(校内或校外),你需要亲自申请 at the closest Social Security office located in Provo, Utah. 请配合 以了解下一次社会保障之旅的具体时间 的地方. You will need to gather the following documents:

  • 护照
  • I-20: **请确保您护照上的个人信息与以下内容一致 the information on y我们的 I-20.
  • I-94:打印这个 http://i94.cbp.dhs.gov/ I94 / # / home
  • Letter from Employer on letterhead, signed by y我们的 boss
  • Letter from the Center for Global Engagement
  • Copy of y我们的 birth certificate
  • 申请(来自全球参与和社会保障中心办公室)



如果你需要一个“社会安全号码拒绝”信来申请犹他州 驾驶执照,请携带以下物品到全球参与中心 申请帮助:

  • 护照
  • I-20: **请确保您护照上的个人信息与以下内容一致 the information on y我们的 I-20.
  • I-94: Print this form from: http://i94.cbp.dhs.gov/ I94 / # / home
  • Letter from the Center for Global Engagement office
  • Application (from CGE or Social Security office).

For more information please contact Nobue Swenson: 乌兰.wons@nosnews.eubon


Filing Tax Returns in the USA

在美国上学的国际学生应该提交IRS表格。 even if you don't have to pay taxes (you still need to file a form). 表格及税务 returns typically must be filed before April 15th each year. PG电子官方免费下载不能为你提供具体的税务建议,所以你应该仔细考虑 y我们的 own situation and determine what tax form to file. 请 see 我们的 常见问题解答s for more information about filing taxes as an international st乌兰nt or scholar.

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